sassykeez Member


  • LOVE your shoes :) I hope your new doctor does have a fresh perspective.. I can't say that I've really come across an Endocrinologist who wasn't very knowledgable, but more often just seem to provide cookie cutter approaches to treatment! . They all seem to agree that they don't know how to 'fix' it, I just wish they all…
  • Uhh... I said you were lucky, I didn't realize you wanted to have a thyroid disease...
  • I do feel my endocrine (more the nurse practitioner) are knowledgeable and helpful, I think my problem is more in the fact that I have over the years with changing jobs, or health insurance, had to switch my endocrinologist and even with my records, every one is like a new beginning... to them.. I give lots of history, and…
  • Sorry, I have to highly disagree with you, if it was willpower and mind over matter, at least for me.. the 33 pounds I lost in 6 months would not have come back on within 4 1/2 weeks! I burn 1000-1400 calories 6-7 days a week just in exercise alone, not even considering the additional burned throughout daily activities.…
  • Newmein2013, Thanks for your suggestions..I'll check out the foods recommended, I usually can adjust some things and at least attempt to add them in... I don't eat anywhere near 1200 per day, its usually a lot more, but as the NET is concerned, it is still usually under my calorie goal from what I burn.. I know that it…
  • Wow, thanks for all the information! I think I will look into the oil, although I do like Epsom salt baths, I know I probably wont commit to doing it twice a week..Sometimes it seems like there is just so much information about the things we should take that our bodies need that its overwhelming and seems like if you do it…
  • Thanks! I do have an endocrinologist, I do however mostly see the nurse practitioner, who I don't know if she is as knowledgeable as him, but she listens and asks a lot of questions that are usually relevant and even if Im close to in range she talks about how im "feeling" rather then just what the blood work says. The…
  • No.. I never knew that, I do take calcium, for about a year, but never paid attention to how soon after Synthroid. and I think one of my vitamins has magnesium in it, but I have to double check the amounts and amounts recommended... Can't I just trade in for a new body?? :grumble:
  • flinkyflonk, Im glad to hear that, at least there is hope! When I was diagnosed (at 19 years old, im 38 now). The first response I would get from doctors was that I was to young to have Hashimoto's... (rolling my eyes).. its not as if I "wanted" it!! I know the weight gain is a HUGE part for me, but it actually hurts my…
  • born without a thyroid? I didn't know what was possible! thanks for the encouragement..I'm waiting to hear back and should know more by Monday..Two times in a row (months apart) I went in after blood work and I was in "range"... they said good.. get this blood work in 6 months! :noway: I thought WHAT?? 6 months, are you…
  • crysy1, Thanks! Honestly when this whole thing started I was in undergrad and i had the doctors telling me the same thing, normal tests, etc.. but I KNEW something was wrong.. I researched and researched and eventually went to them and said Ok, I know they are coming back normal, but could be just do it once a week for a…
  • mjcolbertson, yes I take my medicine 100%, every morning with when I wake up and don't eat for a min of 1 hour.. I've had a recent full physical and everything came back normal.. but I don't know if that was specific enough testing. I guess I'll just have to dedicate a day a week or so to get to the doctor, that's usually…
  • Thanks! That's what I keep telling myself! There was a period of time where I let it win for about 14 months... bad times.. after that and my increase in energy started I was super motivated and started this new MFP and Calorie/exercise! I have always exercised, but when you physically CANT do something for almost a year,…
  • Thanks Amber, I will add you. I do take Synthroid.. unfortunately my doctors and I have been trying to figure this out for about 18 years now!!!!! I've been on levoxly, citomel, armour, and combinations. Synthroid seemed like it was actually helping this time around and WHAM! I going to try to take a more aggressive…