That's why I never bragged about weight lost. I just act surprise when people notice and told them it was because of work or something
Don't give up, Make him sorry for losing you That's the best revenge
i feel ya. I hate it when people say I lose weight,...Coz in their mind I'm a fatso.. Yes, I was so fat then and people seem to only remember me fat.
I learned that failure is when you stop trying
you'll lose fast and gain it back fast too.
me : 9 monster : 1
can;t u just distract yourself away from food. just don't get alone or bored.
when i binge it's like a marathon of eating. I was sad, and even more sad after the binge. then i promised my self that tomorrow I gonna stop and eat right again... but that tomorrow never comes. so I decide to do it "now" and that break the circle i realized that food restriction lead to binge. so i try not to restrict so…
(1) cw: 57.5kg h: 160cm gw: 50kg I just want to be happy
I choose to be awesome ^^
I found this in another forum: Strategies to avoid b/ping- 1. If you feel the urge, wait 20 minutes. If it's still there wait another 20 minutes. Take baby steps. 2. Don't berate yourself with thoughts like "I will 'not' do x". Stay positive and say things you WILL do. "I 'will' take care of my body." 3. Remember, the food…
i have extra hanging skin around my stomach too--- >.< and i find it difficult to do push up, what to do????????
wow, you look younger, plus like a total different person! GREAT JOB !
you sounded like me, binge one day then try to starve the day after :( the last time I went to a doctor, she told me to eat whatever I want with portion control, get a taste of everything i want, thus I wouldn't want to binge latter on.. works for couple of weeks... but i'm weaker again now
tape measure is the most accurate :)
As of Sept. 25, Me: 20 Binge: 5
I agree with NO DIET thing. Just make a lifestyle change.
Great job !!!
why would anyone says you are anorexic ??? well, this is one the tips my doc gave me to eat less: EAT IN FRONT OF OTHERS that's basically because i got a father who justt loooovveee to feeed his forever little girl, just so he won't worry.
1500 cals is alot when you cook all the food yourself. 1 tea spoon of oil when needed in the whatever you are cooking veggies, veggies and veggies lots of fruits
i found that my in laws has one, Magimix La Sorbetiere, looks old, and doen't have manual in it, I check online and coudn't find any either >.< anyone,.. helpppp?
Yeah, I feel ya, that's why I'm not exercising at night, Instead doing it early in the morning / noon before meal. don't forget to drink a lot of water before touching food.
Psy - Gangnam Style Orange Caramel - Bangkok City Orange Caramel - Aing Wonder Girls - Nobody WOnder Girls - BE my baby
I had the same problem until last week, my doc said we shouldn't make enemy with any food. EAT the stuff you craved for, just don't eat all. a bite or two is enough to satisfy craving. Thus we wont' be like a ticking bomb, who'll binge on all those food you said No to. No binging, no hating, rite ? =) i hope this helps you…
i just play my favourite music that can make me jump up and down, put my headphone on and dance! better than running ! :)
wow, you guys look so much younger !!!
shhh, men! some so them are sure insensitive! but you know what, it's okay, my husband used to tell me that i can't diet more than 1 week, or since i'm a mother, i can't never be slim n so on n so on.... I just make that into motivation and prove him wrong.
1000 calories is enough if you ate more vegies and cut all the calorie from your drinks. & homecook everything ^^
It's HOT in here ! reminded me that i can do it too