

  • I will head towards google for 'foam rolling' then. On a side note, what's less impact, treadmill or pavement running? And is generally running on a treadmill and better or worse for me?
  • Injured as in I've only just taken up running again and I've probably been running in bad shoes, rather than any major injury. Just after advice for recovery steps to take and whether I should stay off it completely, drop my pace down to a medium walk or just stretch it for a bit. And if any of the above, for how long?
  • Mainly dull pain, although if I jump and land on the knee it becomes quite sharp. Flat surfaces are ok, going down stairs and putting extra weight on that knee becomes painful. If anything the pain is either side of the patella (??) and slightly behind. General walking is ok, I did 1 x 20min session on a treadmill after…
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