

  • I know!!! Thats what I thought :D
  • Now you can See why I asked :D So check: deduct 25% off from what MFP says Ive earned back then eat 3/4 back save 1/4 for the Sat night wine Eat the 1480 cals instead of the 1360 cals to lose 1lb fat per week not muscle, re-evaluate when less weight to lose When my body can handle it incorporate more stregth training to…
  • Ahhhhhhhhhhh
  • Also I have made the following changes - Rocket lettuce every day, cottage cheese everyday, whole wheat steamed rice or 79g whole wheat pasta everyday, fruit twice a day and the biggest thing for me switching from 2ltr full fat coke A DAY!!! (do not know how my teeth have not fallen out....) to 2ltr water a day! I…
  • Thanks guys, I think your all "correct" :D I think what I will do Is stick to my 1360 cals and on a sat have 2 glasses of wine :D I'm not a hardcore excerciser (like I said only just started) day I hope to be.... Ah your right 7lbs I was basing on these last two weeks, but I have only just started to diet thats why…
  • I know it is confusing, but I started reading through all the posts on here and there was one girl who ate 800 cals a day and did 30 min treadmill a day...they were advising her that just for your body to function without any excerise you need 1000 cals, which got me thinking If i'm eating what i need to lose weight then…
  • Yup total Brit:bigsmile: And yes it means tired lol Ah good to know, do I have to eat these calories on the day that I burn them, or can I say, save some of them for a Sat night (Tv night as with two small kiddies me & OH never get out lol) Is that ok today almost like a treat night? Thanks, B
  • Ah thank you, I only do the school run twice a week the rest of week I'm at work, I dont drive and the nearest bus stop is a 20 min walk so I may as well walk him to school. As I HAVE to do it theres no chance of me quitting (say If I was doing an excercise class....I am hoping to change this attitude though but not just…
  • Thanks Guys, one more question, sorry, can I "save" these calories say for every saturday? that way I can still kinda have a glass of wine ect (I started on a saturday and my WI is on a Saturday). thanks again
  • Ooops I posted in wrong Forum, so sorry! Will re post in correct one, though feel free to answer :D
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