
  • Thank you everyone for your input. Guess I need to set a reminder on my calendar for me to get up and do something to counteract the sitting. You all gave me great advice/ideas.
  • I was a child of the 70s, and the only things I watched on TV were Gilligan's Island and the Monkees. Oh, and Saturday morning cartoons. Besides that, I was either outside or in bed. My mom never knew who's house I was at. Our toys back then took imagination and good old muscle power to make them work. My nickname in the…
  • Today is the day I chose to start my 20 lbs by christmas. I was under on calorie intake, and did some walking. not bad for me, usually i dont wanna tear myself away from the computer. :laugh:
  • I will try it too. I need all the support I can get. i set my alarm in my phone to remind me to track food and to exercise daily. hoping that helps me. (fingers crossed) anyone else have any suggestions on things they do to keep motivated? Thinking about taking my favorite picture of myself and photoshopping my head on the…
  • i just started V3 this morning. hoping it helps me stick with my diet.
  • I am also needing someone to help me stay motivated. I would love to join you two if you wouldnt mind a third wheel in this venture. I have been trying to stay with it, but having trouble with motivation to exercise and to keep up with tracking. just plain laziness i guess.