sabl57 Member


  • _______ DragonWolf, Thank you for your thoughtful post that includes the links on cholesterol. I am educating myself and appreciate the information you have shared.
  • I think it's a few words that bother me. I know it sounds petty, but when casual acquaintances or non-family members says, "Wow, you've lost so much... I am really PROUD of you!" - I know these folks mean well. However, I can't help but feeling it's a judgemental observation on their part. Why should they be "Proud" of me?…
  • Mix cream cheese and olives and spread on celery sticks. Or, you can mix cream cheese with finely chopped pepperoni or ham slices (mix in a little horseradish) and spread that on celery. I also read that thinly sliced jicama works nicely as a type of chip. I have never tried it, but it's on my list of new foods to explore.…
    in potlucks Comment by sabl57 February 2019
  • I have watched a ton of YouTube videos from all different folks (from doctors to just keto dieters). I learned a lot about myself and how I process food. I learned that I am insulin resistant, which means I definitely need to restrict my carbs. I am also having great results (finally) by doing Intermittent Fasting (IF). I…
  • Girl! You are "Rockin" that horizontal striped dress! Congratulations!