ksuthrill Member


  • Time for everyone to check in. I have not had a good week losing weight. My UC has gone away and that means I can eat foods than what I have been. That means I did. I am up 2.5 lbs because of it. So back to the basics. Walk, Walk, track everything I eat and drink water. As I always say this is a journey. You will be up and…
  • Gained 1.6 lbs this week. My wife likes to make cookies. I feel pretty good about this. I think the timing was bad coming off the Christmas weekend. I also didn't count calories as close this week and it is easy to let the extras creep into your diet when you do it. Onward to a new year. Get these lbs off and continue the…
  • Lost 2 more lbs this week. Did to much snacking over the weekend or it might have been more. Staying the course. Next week could be tougher going through the Christmas holiday. Keep your head up everyone. One bad week is just that a bad week. Don't give up! Also some of you need to do some reporting. If it is up then say…
  • I am using the fit bit one. It keeps track of my steps and gives me a quick look at how active I am for the day. I also like that it interfaces with the myfitness oal app
  • How many people on here are using a Fitbit or similar device?
  • 2.4 lbs lost for the week. Right on track of 2+ pounds a week. Need to up my activity level it was down over the weekend. My UC has come back and that is causing me some issues also. Keep up the work everyone. Welcome new members. Remember this is a journey not a sprint. You will have good days and bad. You can chose how…
  • Down .2 lbs. Not a good way to start. I was at 2 lbs down for three days and this morning my weight bounced back up. Oh well it is a journey not a sprint. Stay the course. Good luck to everyone else.
  • I am good with Monday
  • Down 1.2 lbs coming out of Thanksgiving. I feel pretty good about this. I focused on reduced snacking and extra movement and steps. Exercise doesn't have to be a routine, it can just be taking the time to walk around more than normal. If you go shopping take one lap around the store before you start and one when finished.…
  • Okay, I am calling all of you out. If you want to lose a 100 lbs, you have to hold yourself accountable. It is a journey and we should all be on here at least once a week. Failure is only a one day event. Put it behind you and step up as each day is a new one. Start listing your losses or gains and ask for help. We are all…
  • Okay not a good week going into Thanksgiving tomorrow. +1. Need to focus on activity level it is way down.
  • So are we going to start Monday and list our change from last week?
  • I would like to join also. What do I need to do?