Hoorah! I hear you brother and I second that EMOTION! Keep fighting. Ed.
Hi Tim. I'm not sure what the intent of your post is, but I like your spirit. I'm 44 and in CrossFit. I do find myself struggling with repeated injuries to certain areas of my body, shoulders, knees, lower back, but this is something that I've dealt with since way before joining a box. Actually, I think I've been able to…
I think what get's most people is the level of intensity. It's certainly what got me. Being strong or having stamina by itself is not enough. It's that sustained max effort that really sets CrossFit apart.
My WOD last night included 60 T2B. I'm brand new and would have trouble with this anyway, but I'm also dealing with certain injuries that would make hanging an issue. Instead I scaled back by lying on the floor and holding on to something behind me (a barbell, wall ledge, squat rack, whatever). Then perform the same…
"LET ME START OFF WITH: I'm NOT looking to cheat on my husband, I'm just realizing how little time I have left here. " I'm curious why you started with this declaration? No judgement. Just curious. What do you mean by "little time"? Time for what? What is it you are looking to achieve? The clock is never going to run…
Wow! You are AWESOME! I'm so glad you kept such meticulous photographic records of your progress. So many folks just don't believe it until they can see it. Well, lady, you brought the proof big time! Thanks for sharing. Ed.
So many shows to hate. Where to begin? I was so looking forward to Falling Skies. Then after about four episodes, I thought this show is all about morons. Every single character in that show is a moron. I'm hoping the aliens win. Started to watch Revolution. I've rarely seen worse acting. It's bad. And it's also a pretty…
I've actually played Fallout 1, 2, and 3. I got bored with it pretty fast though. I just got to a certain point where I didn't really care anymore. Maybe I should revisit it. It's been sitting for a while. Ed.
I'm guessing the documentary you saw was "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". I saw it too. I also tried it. I juiced for almost 30 days. By the end, I just couldn't stand the intense headaches, caffeine withdrawal. I can tell you that I've never had a better glass of iced tea than the one I had at the end of that. Here's what…
I don't know about any of these claims, but I can tell you this from personal experience. For months I had been dealing with gastrointestinal problems. I was always in some sort of discomfort. My family doctor suggested I may have IBS. I went to see a gastroenterologist, and after a few minutes of describing a normal day,…
Zumba can be a great workout, but that doesn't seem to be the specific concern. It's "spot reducing", which can't be done. Sorry, doesn't work that way. However, cardio, like Zumba, can help with the job of overall fat reduction. Something tells me none if this information will matter. When people get certain ideas in…
Are you kidding? If it wasn't for weekends I'd look great by now. :( Yup! I start with a pretty big breakfast eating out with the family, and it's all downhill from there on. Ed.
4300... wow! That's a lot alright. But as long as it doesn't become the norm for you, I think you will be okay. Ed.
Goliath, an American Bulldog. We rescued this big guy a year ago and have never regretted it.
Software engineer working in healthcare. Programming is great. Healthcare, not so much.
Flu is not a toxin. It's a virus, and I don't think they can force a private citizen. Strongly encourage, coax, create separate rules for those that don't comply, yes. But force someone??? That seems highly doubtful.
I work in a hospital as well, and while flu shots where STRONGLY encouraged, they where not mandatory. In fact, I doubt the legality of such a thing and am tempted to call shenanigans. Now, a bit of critical thinking. Flu shots work because they expose you to a number of virus, active or inactive depending. As a response,…