sparksgirl1 Member


  • Hi everyone thank you for the replies. I am busy reading and learning because I thought that Ketosis and fat adapted were the same. Actually I had heard the phrase “fat adapted” but did not have a clue. So I am really glad I found this group and now back to reading old posts.
  • Wow so much knowledge between everyone. Thank you so much for all the responses and the homework because there’s a lot I don’t fully understand but I can learn 👍🏻 I am watching my macros and keeping my net carbs less than 20 as for the fat protein ratio some days I need not protein then it says but once I eat it I feel…
  • I am new to Keto and this group it’s been four days of tracking and learning but immediately I noticed that I was peeing way more than usual. I thought it was my liver detoxing or water weight at this early stage I only have slight ketones and am not fully into Ketosis.
  • I just started too and I need to lose at least 50 lbs. I have no friends except my daughter so please add me if you can. I think with friends this will be easier.
  • I am new here but I have both Fibro and RA. I take an injection of Orencia 1x wk for my RA, Lyrica 100mg 2x day, Elavil 50mg(Amotryptaline) at bedtime. I joined myfitnesspal because I need to monitor my weight. I have been on Lyrica for 2 months because of severe nerve pain in my back and hips. It was so bad I could hardly…