

  • Hey! Just keep a positive attitude! It will do wonders for you! And on the walking: go out and buy yourself a $20 pedometer. It will work miracles. I have had one since I started this and wear it everyday. It really helps you get motivated to get up and just even walk around the house....instead of sitting there and…
  • Thank you everyone for all of your positive messages! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks!!! I am so happy, I can't concentrate today at work.... go figure!
  • I just had to brag, because I can't believe it myself! I have finally seen major results after a month of doing this and really following my guidelines. As a result I have lost THREE INCHES!!! My pants are too big and my belts, well, I have to get new ones!!! WOOHOO!!!! I hope everyone stays on it, because really, if I can…