

  • Thx for the tips Tweeds :)
  • I picked some up and keep them with me for those little food emergencies, when you're away longer than you planned and its time to eat...at least that way I have a decent choice available. They do have good fiber and protein in them, but also a variety of sugar and I didn't bother to calculate if the carbs were bad on a…
  • So, I'm BabeintheMoon's friend, we call ourselves "The Tweedles" because we both love purple and wear it as often as possible. Sarah has been super inspiring for me to give this a try. So, other than being called Tweedle, I am also called Rebecca and I am quickly approaching 50 years old and want to shift this belly. Since…
  • the change that's helped me the most is cutting out white stuff: all forms of bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, etc, all the things that convert to glucose and raise blood sugars in the body very quickly and make me feel unhealthy
  • are you reading labels? many items have a surprising amount of sugar, in various forms. These days they break it up and use different names to avoid having to list it at the top of the ingredients list. basically anything thing that ends in "ose" such as sucralose, fructose. anything that's a malt is also a sugar, such as…
  • I also recommend Jamie Oliver, he has a unique book out for peeps that need every step spelled out, including timing and food prep, I think its called Meals in 30 Minutes or 30 Minute Meals? It would be a great starting point for learning how to cook fresh food efficiently.
  • If walking a slow pace mile, only earns me 100 extra calories, I doubt food prep adds up to much. Perhaps you do feel the need for a reward though, it just may have to a differnent choice. I used to buy myself a bottle of nail polish or something small and inexpensive along those lines that makes me happy...no calorie…
  • Jamie Oliver's more recent cookbooks are very good, lots of veggie dishes and quick, healthy meals. I also use my Cooking Light magazines pretty heavily.
  • Food Prep will save you time and money! You can slice, peel, cut and pkg foods all at once, than grab to use all week. For example, I prep carrot sticks, red, orange and yellow peppers, cheese sticks and mixed nuts on Monday nite, then just grab one each day for snacks. If the veggies start to dry out, just pop a single…