Happy Valentine's Day to all!! (Or, if you're like me, Happy Single Awareness Day!! :laugh: :flowerforyou: ) It's been pretty chaotic at work so my household chores and homework have been pushed aside. Though everyday I work up a sweat using my Wii. And that has paid off since I'm down 5 pounds! Little victory! It's just a…
Mindovermatter: I get a cheese substitute called Veggie Shreds. It looks like regular shredded cheese and has very similar consistancy but it's made with soy and just trace amounts of lactose. I LOVE cheese (I'm a Wisconsinite, what can I say :laugh: ) and this comes very close to the real thing without making my stomach…
Good morning! Highs: I'm getting a Wii! (though every store in town and in a 100 mile radius is sold out so I had to buy online.) Taxes are done, homework was done early and found some awesome low-cal soy cheese (It's called Veggie Shreds, tastes awesome.) Made some risotto that was really good and it came from a box.…
Here I am!! Highs: Feeling hunger pains (this a good thing since I usually eat when I'm not hungery!) spending time with family, living comfortably. Lows: being crabby :grumble: annoying cats, and a very boring computer class once a week. I'm happy my complaints are minimal and something that are generally temporary. I did…
Bienvenue mrsbojanles! And welcome back krhbutte! Highs: Playing Wii with my pops, getting homework done early, skin is clearing up (exercise and cutting out junk food really helps!!), family, friends and sleep!!! Lows: little headaches! Errg! My mom not being worried about her health enough to do anything. It's still cold…
High: breakfast with the boys, worked out for the second day in a row, finished my accounting homework, found a cute table set for my apartment (finally!) and only one more night of work then I get to spend time with my family!! Lows: eating my usual for breakfast when I know I shouldn't (sausage, egg and cheese on a…
Good Morning!! Hope everyone is doing well today! I'm feeling pretty good considering it's 7am and I just got off work. I was feeling really overwhelmed over the weekend when we went for a walk outside (in 4 degree weather, on a hiking trail, should've used snow shoes!) With working nights, school, homework, finding time…
Oh my goodness have I been slacking on here!!!:embarassed: So sorry, but it sounds like everyone is doing great! That's awesome to hear. Thank you Mac55 for posting that info on quitting smoking. I'm really nervous about quitting, but I look at my mom. She smoked for about 30 years and now has been smoke free for 4 years…
Hello!! My high over the past couple of days was not gaining during the holiday madness. It was also nice to catch up with old friends too. Seeing how great they look was definetly motivation too. I hooked up a wireless router by myself yesterday (though it probably took too long than it should have..) and found a nice…
Wow!!! The last couple of days have been somewhat hectic that I've been focusing on trying to relax and not pull hair rather then weight loss. First it was the huge snow storms in the east which made work busy. Now it's the ice storm that is currently in effect in my area. (Pinbotchick: is it bad by you? The roads are…
cc_campbell: I'm happy to hear about your daughter and how you got to spend time with your family. That's awesome!!! Pinbotchick: I'd been cross country skiing before so I thought I could just pick it up like riding a bike, but that evidently was not the case. The trail we went on had more hills than expected, so cross…
What a way to end the work week!!!! I'm venting a little bit here since it's my sister's birthday so I don't whine and bring her down. It was super hectic at work and no one was willing to come in early to help out. It was none stop for a long time so I didn't get a break until about 5 hours in. BUT, I'm off for the…
Welcome krhbutte!!! So far I don't think any of us have made people feel left out, at least I haven't felt that way. As of right now I'm pretty much maintaining. With the holidays and other stuff going on I haven't had much time to exercise. I try to make sleep my priority and when daily events inch their way into my sleep…
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, it's hard to tell where my day starts and ends! I have successfully registered for the spring semester of 2010 at the technical college! That's my high. It's only two classes, but one is online so that'll be nice to 'attend' when it fits my schedule. My other class is one night a week…
Good evening! Yesterday I was able to hang out with a friend that I had lost touch with so that was really nice then had a little sleep over with my sister and for fun put in sponge curlers for the night. When I woke up and took them out it looked like I had a Shirley Temple wig on! My hair is normally curly, but in a…
Hello! Not too much to report at the moment, there's still much of the day ahead of me. Work was pretty slow so I was able to get some things done. I'm in a pretty good mood which is nice and there wasn't any dish fatalities from my curious counter hopping kitties. My future sister-in-law sent me a cute Christmas card so…
Good Morning!! I got off work this morning to see the sun rise which was beautiful, until I had to bare the cold to scrap the frost off my car. Every Saturday morning I have breakfast with some of my regulars I had at a bakery I used to work at but has since closed. This has been an ongoing tradition for a couple years…
Got room for another?!?! I really like your idea of sharing good AND bad moments. Emotions really play a factor in my eating habits. When I'm happy, I eat, when I'm sad, I eat more. A little bit about me~ I'm 22 years old, single, live alone.... a crazy cat lady in training basically. I work full time and will be going…
Wow!!! Thank you so much for the awesome tips. I got out and walked a 4 mile trail today so that defintely helped out, just need to find some new shoes! I really apperciate all the support!!!! MP