

  • Thanks for the info... especially about beating yourself up. So many times during the holiday we simply give up, but this is the time to stay strong and enjoy family. However it does not mean that we should eat ourselves to death, but to choose wisely and eat to live! So, take time to enjoy the season, but remember modesty…
  • The night of the Bishop's Ball, I was so very sick, I left early. Afterward I stayed in the bed the followng day. I was so sick. I did not go out and exercise because I felt that I might infect others in the gym. I also realized that sometime we need to listen to our body and get the necessary rest that's need. I rested…
  • Hi everyone, my name is Brenda, I like food period... I like to eat, I need a good cleaning. I need to learn how to eat. I like healthy foods, I also like chocolate, I don't do white, I do whole wheat or whole grain. I do try to use sugar in the raw with my coffee. I feel I need a complete overhaul... and more…
  • I can tell you that I did not accomplish all of my goals, I wanted to be 10 pounds lighter, but I have only lost 3 pounds this month, so far. But I have become more aware of what I am putting in my body and where I am falling short. Therefore, I am not so disappointed. I do believe that I will be out of the two's which is…
  • My first goal is to gain control over what I am puttingin my mouth. This has been by far my most challening area. I have reached my goal to exercise, since I have been using this program to log my calories, I believe I am on the right track. I know that I will soon start to see the excess weight leave. My short term goal…
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