

  • I woud love to be your friend! I need some supportive n motivational friends myself! I totally feel the same about this being my last time as well! Lets kick this weight together!
  • Hey, Jennifer my name's jennifer as well! I totally understand how youfeel and would love to be ur friend here on mfp. I need all the support and motivation I can get myself! I also have two beautiful children I love with all my heart. Lets get back to our health together. Feel free to message me if you'd like to get to…
  • I would love to be your frienId here on mfp. I was on here once before and gained back all that I'd lost! Lets motivate eachother!!!
  • Hey Jennie, I'm Jennifer. I'd love to be your friend here on mfp. I need a lot of motivation myself. Lets help eachother out!:)