

  • Hi ShellyK, the website is the best isn't it - I was really surprised that some of the food that I thought was low in calories was actually high and some of my 'guilt' foods were not as bad as I thought. I lost 3lbs on my first week and never felt hungry! My next weigh-in is tomorrow and (judging by the way my clothes…
  • Thank you for the kind words - guess what, couldn't wait 'til Sunday and have lost 3lbs! So has Mark, and we are overjoyed :laugh: Long may it continue!
  • Well, the guy at the gym makes me do lunges and squats - that certainly helps me! You can use your search engine to get video footage of how to do it properly 'cos if you don't do the exercises properly, they are not really effective (or so I'm told). If you can do a sport like squash/ tennis/ badminton, that also helps as…
  • That's really bad! Don't let them ruin your plans. They may be having a "laugh", but I know that making a decision to change your lifestyle is a tough one and should be treated with respect. Prove them wrong and stand strong!
  • Hi there, I find that if I am hungry I have a big glass of water and wait for 20 mins before I decide whether to snack - apparently your body can be thirsty but it comes over as your body being hungry. I'm no doctor, but that's what I was told. It works for me as I can get terrible cravings for sweet things...when I've…
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