

  • Like ckmama said, it sounds like you've done well. Just at a slower pace then you would probably like. One thing I would suggest if you're going to the gym, is to take a couple of those aerobic classes once or twice a week. I noticed my heart rate went up and I sweat a little more doing the Boot Camp Conditioning at my gym…
  • Yeah, it's really hard to give up the sugar. Yesterday we had an office birthday so of course there was cake & ice cream that I had to decline. Made me a little cranky lol. Sounds like your planning is rounding out the way mine did. I end up with proteins & veggies for dinner. I feel like the fat shredder building blocks…
  • I started the P90X plan about 2 weeks ago. When you plan it out, try to balance your "large" meals as best you can. Maybe even make your snacks a little bigger. I've found that I'm hungry a few times throughout the day and then stuffed for dinner. Doing a re-work this weekend to rearrange that. I can say that I've had…