iuew Member


  • when i did have a drink while losing weight, it was mostly vodka.
  • my BMI was most similar to Haiti.
  • make sure and eat at the same times each day. it becomes your new routine, and your body stops expecting food outside of those times. give it time.
  • not going out tonight. i went out both nights last week, and i think i'll just keep it to Saturday this weekend. going to catch up on Boardwalk Empire instead.
  • every year i pick the age i'm at now. i hope that the trend continues. i earn my next star on Halloween.
  • don't let negative people bring you down. you're doing well; congrats on the 29 pounds. negative, mean people do serve a purpose : they teach us how not to behave.
  • i go with 70 per (large) egg. luckily, i recently found a place that sells medium eggs. they're only 60 cals.
  • the one that shocked me the most was finding out how many calories Arbys can stuff into a market fresh turkey sandwich : 700 calories. it's a turkey sandwich. turkey and 700 calories should not occupy the same sentence outside of Thanksgiving.
  • i did a big chunk of my weight loss at age 30. finished the second leg a couple years later. it has resulted in my feeling better in my 30s than i did in my 20s. also, don't believe the negative hype about 30s. it has become the best decade for me. it's basically like your 20s, only you have more wisdom and inner peace.…
  • unless it contains a diuretic like caffeine or alcohol, it counts as 99.99999 percent water. given this, i count anything decaf. i do try to drink some plain water, but i like it more with crystal light in it. if that makes me drink more water, all the better.
  • i'm very sorry to hear this. the same thing happened to me in 2007. it's difficult, but it's not the end of the world. the good part is that it's the beginning of your new life.
    in Broke up Comment by iuew September 2012
  • i do take vitamin D supplements all year, so i'm not sure if that's the cause. i'm wondering if it's a particular seasonal food, but my hypothesis is seasonal allergies. i have noticed increased systemic inflammation starting in late August every year. this year, my symptoms have included tendonitis in one elbow, as well.
  • i plan to use it for the rest of my life, or for as long as the site is active. i have already outlasted two smaller food diary sites. i'm hoping that MFP is more permanent. either way, i'm going to keep a food diary indefinitely. i made myself that promise when i hit my goal, and i intend to keep it.
  • i weigh every morning. helps me decide what i'm going to eat that day.
  • the initial phase of weight loss often generates praise, and the later stages sometimes generate concern. i've experienced this myself; "dude, how much weight are you going to lose?" i replied that i chose a weight for my frame in the middle of the Met Life actuarial charts from the late 1940s. this gives me a BMI in the…
  • welcome!
  • i hate it so much when coworkers bring in unhealthy junk. in the past week, big plates of cookies and pastries have been brought in twice. one day included chocolate chip cookies as big as half a hamburger bun. it's very annoying to see that when you're watching your weight.
  • as part of my maintenance, i choose a Saturday every once in a while and go and get a burger and fries. on these days, i still try to keep the meal at a reasonable caloric level, and i do more exercise to make up for it. also, i cut calories elsewhere. same goes for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. i eat very healthy…
  • ....they are from broken cracker pieces and not a full cracker. lol
  • i hate vanity sizing. they even do it to guys. a 32 waist is pretty much what i try first, because that's what fits. in some jeans, though, i have to buy size 29. i'd prefer it if they just standardized the measurement. 32 should mean 32 inches. i don't see them playing around with the inseam, just the waist. it makes…
  • two that i have been enjoying recently : breakfast : yoplait 100 calorie Greek yogust, 100 cals Quaker brown sugar oatmeal, 160 cals total : 260 cals lunch : 2 Hebrew national 97% fat free hot dogs, 80 cals 2 Nature's own white wheat buns, 200 cals 1 serving pretzels, 110 cals total : 390 cals
  • it took me a month or two, probably.
  • you seem to be quite fit right now. it pretty much always catches up to you, though. if you do ever decide to quit, check out the Allen Carr book. it helped me quit in 2008, and it made quitting (which i was dreading) very easy and simple. good luck, whatever you choose.
  • i used BMI and the met life tables. http://www.halls.md/ideal-weight/met.htm neither is perfect, especially if you're a bodybuilder or are very tall. i'm medium build and 5'11", so it worked well for me.
  • just live your life, do your best, and do it for you. if you run into an ex, be polite, keep it light and brief, and keep moving forward.
  • they have some healthier (<550 cals) meal offerings under the health nuts section : http://www.logansroadhouse.com/menu.aspx you can mix and match other options, though. i have always enjoyed Logans. haven't been there for years, though.
  • significant doses of caffeine. i had to give up regular coffee in 2010, and i was a big coffee drinker. these days, i can have a (caffeinated) diet coke or two every once in a while, but i don't push it. my GI doc told me to avoid milk, also, which i have done. i don't know if that was a trigger or not. i miss ice cream,…
  • longest was about two months back in 2009. my GI doctor stopped it with a long round of prednisone. that flare was awful. since then, a combo of lialda and nicotine gum has kept me pretty stable. the flares start, but they haven't gotten horrible like the flares in 2009.
    in Flare-ups Comment by iuew August 2012
  • my weight in the evening is often more than my weight in the morning. i assume this is due to hydration / food.
  • marked for future reference. thanks for posting.