CamillaBeaumont Member


  • I always read labels, mostly I am looking at ingredients b/c like the OP I prefer more natural and organic products wherever possible. I especially check what sweeteners have been added so I can avoid artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup. Finally I look at the calories in a serving, if it's ridiculously high…
  • I have heard that the number two item sieved out of “port a potties” before they are allowed to dump the effluent is whole multivitamin pills (soda and beer containers hold the #1 position). This is because many multivitamins are only about 10% useable ingredients, pressed in milk powder or corn starch, and coated in…
  • I'm 5'6" and started at 180lbs. Original goal was 145, now I've passed that and sort of aiming for 135 or a size 8 pants. I'm in size 10 now (started at 14).
  • My opinion is that it is fine to average it out, and I know someone had posted a lovely Excel spreadsheet on MFP a little while back to help you do exactly that. Eat more when you are hungry, less when you are not, as opposed to eating b/c your food diary says you have calories left, just makes sense! As long as you keep…
  • Thanks! Right now I don't have any particular days scheduled, my outside runs are kind of weather dependent so I go on consecutive days when the weather and my schedule allow.
  • I am also a beginning runner. Should I only be running every other day? Outside I am going 2-3 miles and it takes me 20-30 minutes (depending on the route). I don't want to over do things, not training for a race or anything just getting exercise.
  • For me the first step to healthy eating was cutting back on processed foods. Not cutting them out entirely, but switching to better choices wherever possible. I'm a big label reader in the grocery store, if you see what's in the pre-packaged foods you're eating you can make a better choice - ie look for whole grains,…
  • I also shop at thrift stores for the moment, just bought 3 pair of jeans for $10 last week!
  • Moringa oleifera is the only thing I take
  • I was addicted to Diet Coke. I only allowed myself one can per day but would crave it, couldn't wait to get home in the afternoon to drink one and if I went out then I let myself have more (b/c if you drink it in a restaurant it doesn't count!). I gave it up about a year ago, and for the first few months I would still have…
  • You teach people how to treat you. If she keeps answering the phone and talking to her mother, then she is sending the message that it is ok for mother to call during those hours. I agree with above posters that suggested she should answer, ask if it's an emergency, and then tell her mother to call back after 2pm.
  • Pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, raisins and honey is my favourite.
  • Is that a typical day's food? Hot dogs and pizza aren't the most nutritious choices. No vegetables and only watermelon chunks and OJ for fruit. Cutting the Mt Dew with dinner is an easy way to lower today's calories.
  • I lost 15lbs the first month and 15+ in the 5 months since then, so it averages out to 1lb per week. I have been on MFP for half that, and have my goals set to lose 0.5lb per week. I find that often the scale won't budge for a few weeks, then drop 3 or 4 at a time.
  • I am also 5'6" and started at 180lbs back in April. I have MFP set to lose 0.5lbs per week and have lost 32lbs so far, right now my target is 1550 calories per day and I am still losing. I also typically eat back about 1/2 my exercise calories, not always but when I'm feeling hungry in the evening. You don't have to eat…
  • I like to use thick sliced french bread to make french toast with. I beat a little vanilla and milk in with the eggs and then sprinkle cinnamon on top before cooking.
  • I take Moringa Oleifera daily, it's got more than 90 different nutrients / vitamins / minerals in it. It's not an appetite suppresant or anything, but I feel like I have less cravings since my body is getting all the nutrients it needs. I also take vitamin D3 since I live in Canada and I do not get a lot of sun exposure in…
  • I choose homemade over processed and pre-packaged foods whenever possible. When I'm looking at pre-packaged foods in the grocery store, I choose the ones that less sodium, less additives, no artificial sweeteners, more organic ingredients. I don't really pay attention to the macros in my food diary when deciding what to…
  • I only log intentional exercise (ie if I go for a run) and I often eat those calories back but not always. I was under the impression that the "exercise" I get from daily activities was accounted for by MFP when I set my activity level at the beginning. So for example even though I walk my kids to school every day, I don't…
  • I used to be addicted to Diet Coke, I craved it! Gave it up about a year ago as a little aspartame experiment and switched to regular Pepsi. But I found I didn't even want pop, would often at the end of the day realise I hadn't had any so I just cut out all pop. Although I didn't lose any weight after I stopped drinking…
  • I use the Zija moringa oleifera supplements, I think they are helpful to me as far as making sure I get all the vitamins and minerals my body needs and cutting down on cravings. I like the detox tea at night, first to keep me from snacking too much and second it's supposed to help clear out the toxins released from fat…
  • I had turkey, homemade cranberries, mashed potatoes, gravy, rutabega, peas, carrots, stuffing and a homemade roll. And then for dessert angel food cake as it was my daughter's birthday.
  • I've never tried the Arbonne shakes, but I have a protein shake for breakfast most days. It works for me because I have 2 small children and am typically busy in the morning getting them ready for school and don't have time to make/eat breakfast myself. Before I started the shakes, I would end up either not having anything…
  • We had Thanksgiving Dinner yesterday. I checked the food database on here beforehand to give myself an idea of how many calories were in the typical Thanksgiving offerings, helped me make my choices at the table. I would avoid or eat less of the mashed potatoes, perogies, desserts and alcohol, and fill up on the turkey,…