

  • I do not know what your calorie intake is per day but you there are is a formula to figure the # of calories you can eat in a day to not gain weight. I will tell you to lose weight I eat 1450 +or- 50 calories a day my calories on a normal 2100 +or- 50 on regular days. You can find the formula on the net. It is unhealthy to…
  • So you are driving down the road heading to some friends you haven't seen in a while, wham you get a flat tier. Now you have two choices sit there and not ever go anywhere again or change the tire and go on. Well change the tire and go! Your friends are waiting!!! I agree with the cheat day (with in reason). First of all…
  • Don't get down I have a feeling that you may have gained some muscle. And that would be a good thing. I use to weigh 236 now I am at 139. I have lost 124 lbs of fat. and gained 15 lbs of muscle. be careful do let let you body go into starvation mode. you will lose muscle and gain fat YES! your body will start turning your…
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