trevvian Member


  • Chiming in on Walmart's Danskin brand. I am still wearing the $5 T-shirts I bought there 4 or 5 years ago. They looked great for 2 of those years. Now they are too big and have finally started to fade, but they held up really well.
  • My goal is 15,000 steps/day, which for me is about 6.5 miles. I find it helpful to get 2 miles over lunch & then, depending on my workout for the day, I go for another walk before bed to hit my steps goal. I also count my walking as "incremental" to my workouts. It's recovery for my muscles, not a workout in itself. I lift…
  • Count the salads, or you won't have a good idea if you're hitting the goals for your macros. They're all carbs & you don't want to ignore them & eat bread.
  • Yep, & it's not just me wondering; my friends have asked me the same thing. I was bulimic all through my teens & then gained a ton of weight back while in grad school, working full time & going through a divorce. Now I've lost 44 pounds since December & I don't feel good about it. I know I'm thinner, but only because my…
  • Of course, didn't you know if your grandma doesn't know about it, then it doesn't exist?! Made for some pretty weird conversations when I called my grandma from an iPhone, but other than that, I agree. :)
  • Two days into wearing my One. I thought the size & shape were worth the extra $ over the zip, even if I don't end up using the sleep feature. I wear it on the middle of my bra & don't notice it at all. I do think the MFP fitbit adjustments overstate how many calories you should eat back, though. I want to get more exercise…
  • 5'2", currently 155, goal is 120. I hung out at around 110 in my teens, but I did a lot of binging & purging. As long as I get in the healthy range, I don't want to goal myself to a weight I can't sustain.
  • I started cutting carbs in December, without tracking, in an attempt to FEEL BETTER than the wild blood sugar swings I was having. When I realized I was actually successfully losing weight, I got motivated to start tracking in March. I didn't change my eating habits, but found I rarely exceed 1200 calories. I wouldn't know…