So glad to read it might've inspired someone. I was apprehensive to post because I still have such a long way to go, but really heartened to find out it has provided some extra resolve for a few people. It definitely requires determination and desire (and the ability to fight off complacency) to change but each day it gets…
Definitely! If anyones getting tired of using the same old treadmill over and over, boxings an awesome alternative. Super fun and gets your HR racing.
Woah. My eyes popped out of my head - what a difference. Huge congrats.
I'd never heard of this, thanks for the info. Ill check it out.
It can definitely be done no matter how much you have to lose. Early on I had periods of being discouraged, like its tough when you stand on the scale after weeks or months of working hard and still having 100+ pounds to lose. I just started trying to focus on what I'd already achieved rather than what I still had left to…
Definitely. Losing weight is hard enough as it is and has so many variables. Streamlining it and making it as simple as possible for yourself makes it much more manageable.
Haha totally agree. Take the decisions out of it once you find something that works and you cant go wrong ;).
Thank you! I hope it gives someone the little nudge they need to get started, its so worth it. I'm not really sure about a goal weight - ill just keep losing until I'm happy with my reflection.
Holy crap, everyone on here is so nice! Thanks so much for the replies everyone, didnt expect such an overwhelming response. Really, really appreciate it!