Marksman21 Member


  • I'm pretty sure a Krispy Kreme donuts were not the true reason (god I wished it were so), but I getcha, I have a feeling it was persistance on your end. Regardless, stuff like that can happen, I don't splurge often, but I do remember to enjoy something now and then ... sometimes I come out surprised. (I have asked "How did…
  • That's the one thing I kept in mind when I started this. What I do now will not be the same a month later. Constant checking, constant alterations, and perhaps for a more permanent lifestyle. Admitedly, I also don't forget to stop and just -enjoy- myself. True, I will end up gaining pounds for it, but I can work those off…
  • That information was put together from here "" I used the tools to calculate my numbers, needs, and alterations to my macros and diet. It was in fact helping me with my weight loss for a long time, the math added up. Not saying its the…
  • Seeing how I'll be going from no exercise, yeah, that'll be a good difference. Taking it at a slow start, just going nuts could put me right back where I started before I truely begin. 1 rep of 10 each of mentioned exercises, maybe drop one or two more squats or pushups if I can feel like I can push it. I do recall the…
  • To clarify, I didn't stop exercise and avoid it, relying on Calroies alone. Real life put a hamper on timings and the like, so naturally things had to be scheduled, and in my busy live, barely a half hour was available. I was managing small things, 'desk exercises' when I could afford it (I work call center), but since…
  • Normally the answer is flat out 'No'. I've been making plans, starting this week to at least restart doing some weight training in my apartment (Basic stuff, I don't have the funds for gym or equipment, so gotta rely on good ol' fashioned body weight.). Scrunches, sit ups, push ups, squats, and lunges is the most of my…
  • Understand what you're trying to say, and I'll put into it as needed if you suggest. But on a side note, not the best way to encourage someone. We're not looking for folks to tell us to quit. 'Giving up' is not in my vocabulary at the moment.
  • *Nudges*
  • 1. Chocolate 2. Between Fall and Winter 3. Christmas 4. Nope. I keep my nose clean. 5. Diet Coke & my Laptop 6. Neither, I know I'm going to die, what I care about is how much I can get outta life before I do! 7. 3 things - Cash, Cards, and none of your business. 8. PC! (...okay, maybe an XBOX360 too) 9. I've seen Dan…
  • Christmas Break!:drinker:
  • Suddenly don't feel so bad about my appartment ... and an unexplainable urge to clean it even more. :noway:
  • Unless it is in defense or extreame situations, a gentleman should NEVER lay a hand on a woman aggressively for any reason. Sure, it may sound a bit oldschool, but there is some grains of virtue in old manners. A woman should be respected like everyone else, but on a rule for men, don't treat them like a punching bag like…
  • "Wow, I came here for Thanksgiving Dinner, not 5th grade recess. Grow up, or I leave, and you can enjoy your Holidays." I actually did pull this number one thanksgiving over another matter. It was petty and pointless, but it was getting on my nerves to the point that it was just upseting. I stood up, said just that, and…
  • "Whatevs" So damn apathetic and lazy. It feels like you don't just give a damn, but that effort can't even be made to be said.
  • Dinner: Turkey Oyster Rice Dressing Mashed Potatoes and Gravy Sweet Corn Desert: Pumpkin Pie Vanilla Icecream Kill my diet numbers? Sure ... but heck, thanksgiving... WHO CARES?!
  • I have to throw my support out for this one. Look at the details. 1) Marajuana is easily made, companies could make this stuff on the penny and still ensure far better standards than trusting a local pusher. 2) On the same note, pushers and gangs will loose a good bit in income since the cheapest, easiest drug on the…
  • I kinda fell in love with "Fiber One - Chocolate & Oats". Good for a fast grab and munch.
  • A day won't kill ya. Sure you'll do a little damage, but having days like that is perfectly normal, don't beat yourself up over it. Half the reason we all diet and exercise is to enjoy these kind of things and live long enough to continue enjoying them. Don't sweat the small stuff, you're fine, you'll have days like that…
  • Desk exercising at work with a 30 minute walk. Mon, Weds, Fri.
  • A lot of it also comes down to our BMR (Base Metabolic Rate) and TDEE.(Totall Daily Energy Expenditure). I USED to eat just 1800 -1900 Cals a day, knowing it way below my usual expenditures, and thought I could lose. I was in fact slowing to a crawl. Then I read this:…
  • Only for Breakfast, really. It varies week to week as I plan out what I'm cooking and what I'm using for leftovers. 3 days of cooking sits for a weeks' worth of meals. So I tend to eat those often, so the same thing, over and over, till I run out, then I plan the next week. On breakfasts though, since I'm outta the house,…
  • "I love you." Simple enough. :)
  • 200 is my first major milestone. I don't mind being a big guy, but I do wanna be healthier about it. I wan't to get to 200 lbs and hold there for a bit, if I feel like pushing back into an even more fit form (which I might considering I'm enjoying what I'm accomplishing now), I'll set a new goal. Reach for the stars, but…
  • Mondays and Fridays I do 15 - 30 minute strength exercising. Mostly just pushups, crunches, sit ups, lunges, squats. Tues to Thursday USED to be for 30+ minutes biking ... until one of my bike's pedals broke off, strangely the pedal is intact, the screwpoint it was installed in has been worn and the metal is twisted.…
  • Woof, okay, the horse is dead and puply now. I think the overall message is made ... yes, it would be considered a poor choice to side with your Zumba class over your children's enjoyment of a once a year event. That said though, there are a LOT of great suggestions for alternatives or even strategies. The conversation…
  • *Stands up* Ain't nothing wrong with it, but sure fun to try to get rid of the title. :)
  • Hardto say. Most food is a guilty pleasure, I like it, I'd like to try more of it. Though I have a real guilty pleasure in Pizzas and Chocolate. Gummies of any kind are the bane of me ... I cannot and will not stop till the bag is empty!
  • Since I'm usually out the door in a scramble every morning... 2x Cups of Skim milk 1x Serving of Carnation Breakfast Essentials 1x Fiber One bar "Oats & Chocolate" 420 Cal boost in the morning and 23 grams of protien. Gets my day started, and I get hungry at the right times. Granted, I also drink at least half my water…
  • I go out and have a cheese burger, pizza, or good eats on non-cheat days. No shame about it here either!
  • Texas State Fair. Enough said.