

  • @nuttinikki - what a great idea! I'm definitely going to try this!
  • I have a similar problem... I usually work out anywhere between 6:30 and 8:30. When I get home from work I don't want to eat dinner before I exercise so I might eat a little snack but then when I get home from my work out it's fairly late, usually about 8pm and I'm starving. ashmarie, I'm no expert but eating only 600-800…
  • Yoga has been lifechanging for me this year! I have a really bad knee from a sports injury 10 years ago. About 1.5yrs ago my knee flared up really bad (my knees been up and down since the original injury) and got so bad that I could barely put any weight on it, there was no way I could crouch down and even sitting at my…
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