Someone shouted "BIG MAMA" at me as they were zooming by on their bike while, me and my Mom were getting in my car. It was embarassing, and uncalled for, but oh well c'est la vie. Sadly this was recently, and I have not had any children so not sure what the Mama part was about lol. Been called all sorts of stuff: Fat Kat-…
I have a pock mark/scar on my right cheek from when I was a kid....long story, but I was convinced that the powdered dish soap was Lik-A-Maid candy by another child. Back then they used to use Lye soap, which is like acid to wash the dishes. It permanentyl burned my face, but other than that after a good stomach pumping I…
I used to have that as a kid, but it went away after i got braces and had my teeth pulled that were forcing those ones up. Besides it was kinda fun to mess with people with my fangs, sadly I kinda miss them and am a wee bit jealous of ya lol? go figure.
@MAGjOY...Thanks and yep, I definitely like to meet new people and get out and do stuff!!! You only live once!
@shoppingmainia---Boys will be boys C'est La Vie! @shoppingmainia You definitely have some style! Love the Artistic touch of the Black and white photo too.
@magj0y Very Pretty and love the hairstyle.
Nerd Alert! I love the ZELDA series and I am currently playing Skyward Sword. It's great to escape into another world for a little while when I have some down time. Plus with the Wii maybe I can count it as exercise lol---I mean I get into some pretty serious sword fights LOL