

  • Seems like you did not cook it long enough. You should cook Quinoa until it's three times as big as it was before! You will also be able to see "circles" swimming in the water - that's the peel of the quinoa (looks like a white ring and when you cook it it springs off sometimes) When you chew Quinoa, it tastes a bit like…
  • I don't agree with adawson555 … I think you should rather cut carbs, and not fat! Carbs give you fast energy, and that's it. Fat does very important things with your body so you should definitely eat enough fat. oh and it's better for your insuline levels to not eat an excess of carbs - it will leave you more hungry than a…
  • I do light weight training and I am consumind 105grams of protein, which is a bit more than 1gram of protein per pound. I have to say that I feel better cutting back on carbs and eating more fat and protein because after a meal, I'm full for at least 4 hours. If I eat lots of carbs, I tend to get hungry very soon after my…
  • Hello you :) Of course this is only my perfeption, but you are definitely too skinny. Way too skinny. I mean - you have 14% body fat?! That is not only low, this is DANGEROUS. I am a former anoretic so I know. YOu should have 21% body fat AT LEAST. You should really not lose any weight anymore. You should rather try to…
  • Hullow, I suffered from anorexia for a very long time and am now trying to build muscle, for the anorexia has really done me bad… my muscle ratio is miles away from average. If you are experiencing the same problems with low muscle ratio, or if you have similar problems, feel free to add me. I am new here as well.
  • I can only tell you my experiences, but I think one can be not hungry and thin. I was anorexic for a very long time but have finally recovered (after 3 years of therapy, I think I'm able to say "recovered" and mean it :) ) I am still very thin with a BMI of 18. I am eating what I like, when I like. And if I want some more,…