

  • If I let myself worry about my partner walking in on me, I'd end up never doing it. :o) he does dance arond me, taking the p1ss but I just ingore him. It is a little distracting though, when he's sticking his bum out in a squat position, putting on Jillian's accent and saying 'if you got it flaunt it ladies, no shame'…
  • 30 day shred calorie burn - 3.267 calories burnt per pound every hour. Multiply your weight to get how many calories per hour you would burn and divide by 3 to get each 20 minute work out So if you weigh 12 stone/168lb, then you're burning 182 claries per 20 min workout. If that's not accurate enough for you and you think…
  • The Machinist if a BRILLIANT film...anyway who hasn't seen it should make the time to shocking trasnformation though,hard to believe one guy can change their body so much in six months…
  • Food standards don't recommed limiting eggs to one a week or even one a day: For most people, high colesterol comes from bad diet and a their body's inability to reguate their PRODUCTION of colesterol, not their intake. Eggs are healthy, low fat and…
  • I got for any of these, all of which keep me full til lunch: wheetabix with skimmed milk (sometimes alone, sometimes with chopped banana, depending how hungry I am) poached eggs on wholemeal toast veg omelette smoked salmon and scrambled eggs (occasional weekend treat!) now the weather is turning colder, I'll start having…
  • I have this DVD and would love to join in the challenge. How many times a week will we be aiming to complete the workout? and from October 1st until when?
  • I'm 5.7 have lost 6.5 so far and have roughly another 20lb to go. Based in London, you're more than welcome to add me.
  • Personally I'd swap the crackers and jam for wholemeal toast and poached eggs, or have wheetabix with my banana. There is next to zero nutrition in jam and you'll just be hungry again before lunch.
  • you look fantastic, well done! I'm using you as my motivation (just stating out today) x
  • Hi, I only just signed up this morning too, feel free to add me! UK London timezone. I'm trying to loose 28lb in time for christmas...eek! That's only 14 weeks away so 2lb per week, every single week may be slightly ambitious...but a girl's gotta try!