

  • Remember, weight loss is not linear; it tends to go in cycles. If you start at 264lbs then you are already carrying a lot of muscle just to stand up. Muscle is heavier than fat. As you exercise you tend to add more muscle. so you may be losing fat but staying the same weight. It's OK! Try not to do a crash diet; that will…
  • It's known as "brose" in the highlands of Scotland.
  • It's known as "brose" in the highlands of Scotland.
  • I think that the minimum per diem requirement to avoid your body believing it is starving is 1200 calories. Perhaps a second opinion would be appropriate. Weight loss is like everything else in life. It is best done gradually and it is best done together with exercise. Exercise can mean just walking fast enough to make you…
  • Just a small quote from a scientific article: "Eggs should be considered in a similar way as other protein-rich foods and selected as part of a varied diet that is low in saturated fat and contains a variety of cardio-protective foods such as fish, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts." Ref: Unscrambling the…
  • It is also good with pepper and a cherry tomato on an oatcake.