Rubysmom2010 Member


  • I am insulin resistant as well and pre diabetic with a A1C of 6.2. I am off bread all kinds but kind have fruit mostly berries which i limit to once a day. My problem is getting off artificial sweeteners as I can't take my coffee unsweetened yet. The dietician wants me under a 100 carbs a day to start, but I feel week. I…
  • Hi I just joined as well to handle my arthritis as well. it is in my spine, both hips and both knees I experience severe pain all the time. Weight loss with help me as well. I am 68 and force myself to exercise everyday. Rubysmom2010
  • Hello Everyone I recently retired (2010) and wanted to travel (the bucket list :)) ) but soon realized that traveling would be very difficult if not impossible to the places I want to go with the weight I am carrying. So I have hired a health couch and personal trainer and joined this site which I love to tackle this…
  • Hello I just started a get healthy weight loss plan as well. I retired and wanted to travel but unable to with all the weight I'm carrying. So hired a weight loss coach & a personal trainer. And most important started using this site which I love. So far have lost 10 lbs. I'm looking for friends and supporters as well to…