

  • I have a couple tattoos on my body, but the one I love the most is my Yin yang tattoo (mostly because of the meaning - ) :smokin: :frown:
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  • Hello! I started juicing a couple of weeks ago (I love orange juice - altough it takes time to cut the oranges and my fingers hurt from time to time). After I read a lot of juicer reviews on various websites - like this one ( ) I found out there are tons of juicers, some cheap (yet…
  • I was in the same position as OP. I've been searching for a juicer for weeks (I am a beginer) and searching. I found some juicer reviews here and helped me a lot to get my final decision. I'll share what I have found: Get yourself an Omega because this one keeps more nutrients than other…
  • I never actually shopped Black Friday before, but with this online craze, I might take a look at some deals and profit.
  • I was able to get some free stuff. I have a favorite website (something like survivingthestores) that always posts (sometimes one per day) free in store products with the coupons. I went shopping and was able to get free stuff right away. It takes time though, it's hard, but it's worth it with our budget (my family).
  • You could also get free coupons from the Sunday Paper and various magazines (altough these are not free, but include many many coupons for super cheap).
  • Thanks for mentioning it. I always search for organic food coupons, but never found a reliable source for it yet.