ArielSimon Member


  • @shadow2soul: No, I don't usually weigh the snack packs. As far as using "Homemade", sometimes I use those entries b/c the restaurant that I've eaten from isn't found or their nutrition info isn't able to be found. What do you do in those instances?
  • @vczK2t: It said to eat 1200 net calories, but I guess I was just confused on whether I should eat back my exercise calories or not. I'm paranoid about putting on weight.
  • @Queenmuchy: I know that the measurement of the grapes is correct, as I use a food scale but I guess I just assumed "fluid ounces" would give me the accurate number of calories.
  • &fr33sia12: I do weigh and measure my food, although, I didn't always get the exact ounces of certain fruits (mainly just bananas and apples). I try and log everything in everyday. As far as progress, I was 169 last night but 168 this morning (I weighed again in the morning to see if there would be a difference), so I've…
  • Well, I actually started looking into Fat Burners too because I really need the extra boost to looe these unwanted pounds. I looked into Oxy Elite Pro and heard good things about it (on the internet). However, when I went into GNC to buy it, the sales associate told me about Liporush and gave me a sample. The first day I…