

  • Perhaps, perhaps not. I'd be interested in learning more about protein and insulin response. Do you have any recomendations on source material? Thanks
    in Paleo? Comment by wshep5267 April 2014
  • Good question ACG67. I signifigantly lowered my protein intake becase of the insulin response to high amounts of protein. The recomendation that I had seen was for .8 to 1 gram per pound of lean body weight so I started there. This amount of protein is considered sufficient for your protein needs without triggering an…
    in Paleo? Comment by wshep5267 April 2014
  • Warning, Long Post! I've been eating a paleo/primal diet for the last 2 years and I have had terrific results both in weight loss and weight control but the real differnce for me was in how eating natrual, nutrition dense, whole foods and cutting out processed, refined, starchy foods altered how much and how often I need…
    in Paleo? Comment by wshep5267 April 2014