

  • I am also new as of today. I am 5'5" and 231 lbs, on my way to 140 lbs. I have just been making major changes in my life towards clean eating. I have also been doing a lot of research on eating raw, so I might incorporate one or two meals a day that are raw. I look forward to the encouragement and information I can get and…
  • I don't know how to add anyone yet. Could we start a group of something.
  • I am totally on board. I started my lifestyle change at 230 lbs a few years ago. Last year at this time I was down to 184 lbs. I suffered a horrendous tragedy in my life in June and have since gained about 30 lbs back (just over the summer). I am now 212 lbs. My ski gear won't fit if I don't get down at least 20 lbs by…