

  • The biggest advice I can give you is join a local gym, yoga or palliates class. When you exercise daily you will drop the weight fast, but then you will start to plateau, but don't let it hurt you, I think I've hit that mark myself but I'm starting to see definition in my body and lines that were not always there. Put…
  • I noticed my breakfast is a bit higher in calories, but it's the most important meal, it jump starts your metabolism. I've always been told it's not good to always eat the same thing day after day, so mix it up. I eat 3 egg whites with 1 whole egg scrambled with mushrooms and onions about 2-3 days a week and the rest will…
  • I am on Celxa and I noticed a decrease in appetite, I've also been working out at the gym.
  • Hey I've recently started working out also, Love the feeling when you come home sore. I'd add you but not sure how I'd do that.
  • How much more fat are you trying to shed? Also what's your workout routine? Oh and I'm new to the online MFP or else I'd add you for motivation.