grawkgrawk Member


  • Oh dear. You're really having a rough time. I assume you're talked all of this through with your general practitioner? Have you tried seeing either a nutritionist, a gastroenterologist or some other specialist? My doctor has been so helpful but she's run out of ideas so she also referred me to a gastroenterologist, in the…
  • To econut2000, I also agree about going to the doctor. If the doctor doesn't sound very concerned/helpful, then see a different doctor. (But don't just expect to get meds for it. Lots of things can be fixed without meds and your doctor can try and help you solve the underlying problem, not just the symptoms.) From my…
  • What are your PCOS symptoms? I'm on the pill for PCOS and I've never noticed that my diet makes a difference. I'm on one that makes my skin nicer (with no increase in appetite). A friend said her PCOS improves when she eats a lot of soy. (But this is purely anecdotal evidence, you should read up on it yourself.) Of course…