ozzy_q Member


  • Cheers guys much appreciated. I'm going to go with not needing to eat them all back. As a side note, I record all my food and excercise in my diary and the calories that I record as burnt from excercising come from the Nike + running app, excercise machines at the gym (treadmill, excercise bike etc). The only thing that is…
  • all great ideas, I do do allot of running outside the gym as well, i try to run around the lake near where I live at least twice a week. Tackling a mountain is a great idea - I think I will give that a go soon. as for specific sports, I'd love too but the time commitment to a specific time each week is hard with work…
  • 55-57 at the moment, used to be closer to 70
  • Hey - 27 and looking to lose about 10 kilograms (22 pounds) looking for people to keep me motivated - add me if you like