

  • yesterday at the gym was a little hard for me not sure why but it was? it seems we go thru this up and down mentally, I am totally 100% committed following thru not letting negative around me control how I feel or what I eat! it seems with me stress plays a big factor one that I know cannot be avoided all of the time or…
  • Good Morning everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I have some great news which has be in clouds, I weighed in today lost 7.5 pounds, I still have a lot more to go, but very happy with the results, I am watching everything I eat, going to the gym 4 to 5 days a week, I will continue to do so this is a life change…
  • I am happy I joined in this journey we will have together as a team! My second day at the gym it was slow start but I know I got this! I am totally committed to get this done. I know we all have a fight in front of us but as I team we will get it done, I am here to help anyone I can, don't worry it might be slow to start…
  • This is the first time I will post something on a message but.....did I ever need this!!!! Long story short, I joined FP over a year ago, I weighed 325 pounds I lost 77 pounds but the last 7 to 8 months I have gained 15 pounds back!!!!!! Not happy at all I also have thyroid issues been on medications for over 10 years. I…