

  • Hello! My name is Amanda. SInce you are always on the go it sounds like and don't really want to take the time to eat. Then I have something that will fit into your busy life style. Its called Visalus Body by Vi 90-day challenge. It has amazing results and it is life changing. It is very easy and simple to make, and it…
  • In two weeks I have lost a total of 10 pounds and dropped 4 pant sizes. I am on a 90 day challenge with visalus body by vi and the results are amazing, but also life changing. With only one shake a day you give your body the nutrients it needs for less than 2 bucks. I have two shakes a day; one for breakfast and one for…
  • I have 100+ pounds to lose. I want to get into a two piece swimming suit and out of plus size clothing. With the help of visalus body by vi 90 day challenge I am on the right track by giving my body the nutrients it needs, the exercise it needs and tracking my food intake. I'm ready to make a different in my life and with…
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