Bout that time for a repost since many have come and gone. Mole (or jay) 28 Same Username name on Reddit From Philly
Mole Sameuser name on Reddit From Philly Been on Keto for years now. Down 70+ pounds (50 this go round). Stopped for a short while and doing it again for the past 10 months.
Forgot this thread existed. Been on Keto for a few years now. Stopped tracking for a while but started back up early this year. I like looking at other people's food logs to get ideas. Name: Mole Reddit username: MoleMchenry M/27/Philly
Been a while since I posted in here. Name: Dancy Age: 27 Reddit username: MoleMchenry From: Philadelphia, PA
26/m/PA Been on Keto for more than a year now. Down 55+ pounds. Same name on Reddit. Pretty active there and on the Facebook page.
C25k sounds awesome! I've never heard of it until now. I've wanted to take advantage of the walking paths in the city. This sounds more fun than just walking.
Name - Mole McHenry Username - MoleMcHenry Age - 25 Where ya from - Philadelphia, PA Been doing keto on and off for a few years now. I'm gonna try to stay on this time.