finshstrong Member


  • :smile: I am unaware of what "bump" means in relation to these posts. just saying.... thank you so much everyone for chiming in... I have gained FOUR POUNDS in one week, to say I AM FREAKING OUT, would be an accurate statement. to say it discourages me, disappoints me and really makes me want to go back is a very true…
  • that sounds so rough I felt the same way when I had my mascetomy and then landed in the hosital with staph and still had to undergo chemotherapy... it's like... "when is this EVER going to end??"" but it does... be encouraged, there wll be a time when you CAN get up and out and start exercising.. If you can take a slow…
  • I strength train three to five days a week (the other two out of the five, I work on muscles that were not worked on during regular training. so each group gets a rest. I do the eliptical for thirty minutes afte strength training three days a week; and, I do the eliptica two days for one hour. I do a stretch class on…
  • Update: Ive been working out now for three and a half months. I have lost twenty eight pounds (by eating right and working out). My endurance has soared and I have so much more energy. My balance has really improved, although not completely. My attitude about myself has come a long way. I am no longer depressed, I enjoy…
  • I"added" cooking today; and thought that is rediculous.. like I really burned ANY calories by making two bowls of soup and cutting up a pineapple???? really?? I try really hard not to eat my calories back anyway... Now, grocery shopping at WalMart for my big family is defiately exercise! And I'll count cleaning - what the…
  • we al; can get back... If we can make it through all we went through during chemotherapy, radiation and the other hundreds of drugs, hospitalizations, surgeries, etc. we CAN get our stregnth back. Im living proof I have lost 32 pounds in three and a half months. My body is getting toned, I'm eating healthy and I feel so…
  • wow that is terrific... I am currently on 1200 calories but I am gaining muscle and losing fat. I started on 1400 then as I lost weight the MFP brought me down to 1200 which I have been currently on for two weeks. I weight train three times a week, ride 14 miles on the bike every other day, and take Zumba. I have lost 19…
  • I am a breast cancer survivor.. i had a very agressive, mean cancer as the dr put it. I did heavy duty chemo for six rounds, then continued with hercepton for a year thereafter and underwent heavy duty radiation... Ive been going through this since 2010 I no longer am on chemo, however, my oncologist will not take my port…
  • great job! I bet you feel great too. congratulations!