

  • ericcumbee, I went through a "fitness assessment" at a new gym I signed up for and it was a joke. It was there way of pushing a personal trainer on for a lot more money. If this is what you want then that is good. All he did for me was go over my budget (yes that is correct), asked where I wanted to be as a goal, he showed…
  • Real Name: Allison M Start of Challenge Weight: 246 Challenge Goal Weight: 220 Working to Lose (lbs): 30 07/01: 246 07/08: 244 07/15: 242 07/22: 243 (AAAHHHHHH) 07/29: <<<mini goal weight: 240>>> 08/05: 08/12: 08/19: 08/26: <<<mini goal weight: 230>>> 09/02: 09/09: 09/16: 09/23: <<<challenge goal weight: 220 >>>
  • Start of Challenge Weight: 246 Challenge Goal Weight: 220 Working to Lose (lbs): 30 07/01: 246 07/08: 244 07/15: 242.4 ---Almost to my mini goal 07/22: 07/29: <<<mini goal weight: 240>>> 08/05: 08/12: 08/19: 08/26: <<<mini goal weight: 230>>> 09/02: 09/09: 09/16: 09/23: <<<challenge goal weight: 220 >>>
  • SW: 250 CW: 244 6 down, 24 more for this challenge.
  • SW: 250 CW: 245 5 down, 25 more for this challenge. I really need to get this off my chest to people that will understand. Today a comment was made that makes me want this even more. I hate when a "friend" tells me that "you're not his type". Is that your poliet way of tellig me I'm too fat and there is no way he's be…
  • SW: 250.2 GW (This challenge): 220 Good Luck Everyone!!!! We've got this :)
  • I love Old Navy as well!! They have great stuff. For the ladies, be careful with color! I go with black, it doesn't show if you sweat....well you know, down there :)
  • Do you have anymore room? I have never done a MFP challenge before but would love to start!!
  • I would love to join your challenge as well!!
  • Gingerjen7, I've applied several times for SSI and they either tell me that she's not sick enough or I make too much money...too bad it's not enough to take care of her.
  • I have a daughter with special needs (seizures every week), hosptial bills out my *kitten*, can't afford day care although she's 13 and I will get $0. Well, to be honest I just filed last week, Child Support office said they won't be able to do anything because I don't have an address, a middle name or a SSN. I gave them…
  • Hi Nicole! When do you leave? What is your job? Sorry, proir AF, 12 years. Where are you at right now with the training? Do you have access to a base right now?
  • Jesse Williams (Avery) from Grey's Anatomy!!
  • If I am in a hurry and want a quick bite to eat before running out of the house ,I pop two Eggo Waffles (nutrigain, whole wheat) in the toaster, pour a little Lite, reduced calorie syrup on them and bam, 140 cals for the waffles and up to 100 cals (1/4c) for the syrup. I only use maybe a tablespoon of the syrup though, I…
  • I am 5-7, all through high school I was super skinny! I weight about 115ish and was made fun of all the time. When I joined the Air Force 15 years ago, I gained a little weight (especially after my daughter). While I was in the prefered weight for my height was 150 however when I look at pictures from those days, I thought…
  • I'm pretty far to think about maintanence but just wanted to say congrats to you and best of luck!
  • I'm in! I have about 40 to go, I don't know if it's possible but I will definately try my hardest!!! Good luck everyone!!