Magoo64 Member


  • To the OP: Using MFP you should set your settings and goals to track carbs, fat, protein, sugar and fiber IMO. Some may suggest that since sugar rolls up into carbs anyway, that you track sodium instead of sugar since you need a fair amount of sodium on a low carb diet to keep things in balance. Then to get net carbs you…
    in Low carb Comment by Magoo64 August 2016
  • Four years ago I did the "eat in moderation and count calories" diet and lost 35 lbs and got to a normal BMI. Since then, a cross-country move, some additional personal stresses that made me go back to some bad eating habits, topped off with hitting menopause, and I had gained it all back and then some, especially once I…
  • I'm new at replying to a request from my own post. Hope this works. For the poster who asked what my proportions are for my own taco seasoning, I really wing it each time, but it's at least 1 tbsp ground cumin, 1tsp. Ground coriander, 2 tsp. chili powder, 1tbsp dried onion, couple shakes of garlic powder, salt to taste. I…
  • Wish I had seen this BEFORE dinner. I would have posted a pic! Tonight we had lettuce-wrapped turkey tacos. It is at the top of my list for flavor and nutrition and my kids love them. Here is the general recipe: - 1 lb. lean ground turkey - 1 packet taco seasoning, or if you are like me, I make my own - chili powder,…
  • You definitely need to count fruit! Pineapples and oranges aren't negative calories when processed by your body so I respectfully call BS on that blogger. Look up your portion in the database and log it. That smoothie sounds like it will be at least 250 calories, so if you are tracking calories, you want it in there! The…
  • I have given it up except for the occasional planned days where I go off my diet, like I did this week with Xmas eve and day dinners. In general I have found that by cutting it out completely while trying to lose weight, i have lost weight way faster than those times I have worked it into my diet. I love wine with my…
  • Competed in a sprint triathlon. My first!
  • I meant to say, "track measurements". Don't know how to edit my posts.
  • I am in the alcoholic beverage business so I have learned quite about how alcohol affects your metabolism and efforts to lose weight. While calories in vs. calories out is still the #1 criteria for weight loss (meaning that you need to run a deficit), alcohol calories do not metabolize the same way as whole food (healthy)…
  • Thanks all! I'm on the tail end of a two-week biz trip and feel like the over-estimating has kept me on track. Will keep doing that just to be safe. Of course I am DYING for some French fries right about now! Ha!