

  • Finding time to work out while working night is really hard. Doing ok on my eating but i miss my workouts. Im so afraid im going to b set back when i finally get my wk off work n able to work.
  • Woke up this morning ready to go. Actually went to bed last night ready get today going. Kids are all still asleep so I was able to get my video done in quietness. Tonight I start my work week, so I really get to see how to balance working nights and working out. I'm really going to try hard, I want to stick with the…
  • I kind of make up my own plan and tweek it as time goes on and I see what works best. Right now my ideal plan is to do two work outs a day on my week off work then do just one work out a day on my work week. Im and RN and work 12 hr nigh shifts but work a wk on then a wk off. I'm not good at sticking to a strick planned…
  • Wondering if I can join in?? I have been trying to start Body revolution for a while now, doing a video here and there over the past 3wks. Yesterday was my official start day, I did Workout 1 and Cardio 1. Today I have started with a low impact pilates cardio and will do Jillians Cardio 1 later today. I have 3 kids, work…
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