HaywoodJ Member


  • Rocky's trainer was Mickey right? Keep up the good work. I have been here for "most" of 2 years. I have lost a total of 28 lbs., and have maintained 20 of those.
  • In my case, it's just the daily routine that I get in. My job includes a lot of computer time so that "lazy" feeling takes over quickly. Sometimes just a little change in that routine makes a big difference. I have a lot of property to maintain and when I have a busy weekend, I always feel energized(tired too) but better.…
  • Good for you!I have lost 26 pounds since Nov.2012 and have went from 36 waist to 32 as of yesterday.This is the best way to lose the weight.Don't get discouraged and drink that water!:smile:
  • fruit,yogurt,suger free jello....don't see the problem....lol!Double up on the water and wash it away!:laugh:
  • Real "MEN" do not put there own agenda before the welfare of there child.I was on the other side of this 17 years ago.Although I was cheated on and left with just weekends with my daughter,I never talked down about my X in front of my child.I never missed a child support payment,and was always available to pick her up/see…
  • My calorie intake per day is 1560.Out side of walking(facilities manager w/seven buildings)I do not workout.If I eat just under my intake,I have lost on average 1lb. per day(14lbs in 3 weeks)Water helps to curve the hunger sometimes,but my "crack" is chocolate,so some of the 100 calorie snacks do help. Good luck!
  • Really,I understand completely!I do beleive that chocolate is my "crack" the only thing that has helped me is the 90/100 calorie snacks between meals.Also helps to drink water to curve the hunger.Good luck!