jenlinkitty Member


  • Lol, I'm 5'0" and I have another 80 to go! :smiley: SW: 228 GW: 130 CW: 210 I love Adds! Let's get motivated!
  • Last con I went to, I was volunteering at NASHICon (Columbia SC) and wound up losing weight because I kept forgetting to eat, or I didn't eat enough over the course of the weekend. With cons? Plan it out as much as possible, you never know what happens at cons though lol Just do the best you can. Pack healthy filling…
  • Oh my goodness - do I need support as well lol! I've been on and off this weightloss journey due to a garden variety of life events. I started a couple years ago here (SW 224), and I had some GREAT progress (got down to193), but then life slapped me in the face and I gained some of it back. Unfortunately, my family's…
  • I haven't been able to go anywhere due to working full time and being somewhat poor. LOL I go to NASHIcon (Columbia,SC) and ProCon (Charleston,SC) every year, though. Last year, 2011, I made it to Roundcon (Columbia,SC), NASHI, ProCon, MomoCon (Atlanta), Animazement (Raleigh), and AWA. Unfortunately I won't be going to…