amy_nico1 Member


  • For me, it depends on the day and how I feel physically and mentally. I did C25K last year and got up to running 30 minutes straight (not an entire 5K though) and then immediately stopped, for seemingly no reason (subconscious self-sabotage?). I started it again and am now on week 5. This week scares me; I can't believe I…
  • Throwing in another vote for OATS--they rock!! Extremely filling, cheap, easy, whole grain, and great mixed with fruit, or even with peanut butter or soy protein powder. I just make a smaller amount to make it into a snack instead of breakfast.
  • I have a different take on it than the initial posters... I had a hard time sticking to vegetarianism. Easing into it did not work for me (but it did for others, and could for you, obviously!). So one day I decided to go for it and just be vegan. Period. I made it clear to everyone that I would not be eating animal…
  • First off, try to focus on the time you are spending with your family. Food often plays too big a centerpiece in my family's gatherings, but why do we always need to stuff our faces to be with each other?? (speaking for my family, not yours:wink:). As you start making your healthier choices a natural part of your life--not…
  • I got this book from the library a couple of months ago. I love Jillian Michaels and all her advice and DVDs, but I just wasn't impressed with the book. I thought it was hard to use (lots of flipping around required), and the recipes varied greatly in their serving sizes. It was too hard to scale the recipes down…