

  • Hey! Welcome! Feel free to add me! we can all be buddies & help each other out!
  • welcome to MFP:)) im not a mom but i have the same fitness goal as you:)) please feel free to add me as a friend & we can help motivate, support & help each other out!
  • hey:)) feel free to add me as a friend! my goal is to lose about 90lbs to make my goal weight of 140. I am short also at 5' 2! I just started dieting on saturday and is adding in walking with slight jogs in between for a little calorie booster. i tried insanity for a little over a month & struggled with losing weight on…
  • i understand you! I love food! and i seem to always crave sweets! last year, my husband and I changed our life style and started eating healthy & exercising and lost almost 50 lbs. but holiday season came and we gained half back. we are starting again. we need to be active & healthy! start things one day at a time. slowly…