Sharol1 Member


  • Since I'm 74, I look at 60 as being young. Of course you can do it. It gets harder as you get older but so worth it. I decided that before I would be eligible for medicare I wanted to be healthy and fit. That was 10 years ago and I lost 55 pounds. Yes, I have gained some of it back and am always a work in progress. I have…
  • I'm a grandmother, too, and have discovered that the older you get, the harder you have to work to lose unwanted pounds. It is so important to weigh and measure your food. Those portion sizes and the calories they contain do tend to creep up quickly. Also, 3 miles per hour on the treadmill seems pretty slow unless you are…
  • 1/4 cup Almond milk, 1/4 cup blueberries, 1/3 of a banana, 1 cup spinach and 5 ice cubes.
  • Hello. I've been looking for a blog such as this and am glad to have found it. I am 73 years old and pretty active. I do have some disc problems in my back but try to exercise as much as I can. I think that if I can lose some weight, I will be able to do a lot more things. I have great control over my eating during the…