

  • I've talked to several trainers about this and have been exercising regularly for just about 14 years. It sounds to me that it really depends on how you feel and that one is not truly "better" than the other. Caloric burn lifting weights after cardio is said to be higher, but the difference is not supposed to be…
  • I was quite tired when I was eating too few calories daily. Especially on exercise days do you need to be mindful to supply a few hundred extra calories that you might on a non training day. You'll still work on a deficit because the few extra calories that you intake will allow you to crank it out at the gym with…
  • Try drinking two big tall glasses of water and just as another poster mentioned- staying away from refined carbs and moving towards quinoa, brown rice, or oats for carbs. Fresh fruit also supplies a blast of carbohydrates and can be quite filling. Since I've been drinking a gallon of water a day my skin has been really…
  • Weight Smart vitamins are often times not very different than any other multi vitamin with the exception that "weight smart" or "healthy weight," "healthy metabolism" and other such categories often contain caffeine or some smiliar stimulant to assist with weight loss. Usually it's a very mild effect, but when you take…