joskrin4 Member


  • Hello from Minnesooooota...go ahead and put a little Norwegian sing-song into'll sound like a true Minnesota native :) !
  • Basic definition of "diet" from the dictionary: Food and drink regularly provided or consumed. Habitual nourishment. Let it go. He was uptight about something and you got the bad end of it.
  • Say something!...squats can RUIN your back if you do them wrong. Nothing sucks worse than a herniated disc that could have been avoided if you had known better, at least that is what I thought when I was recovering from one....
  • You have to do what works for your life...I come from a family where blood sugar issues tend to be the thing we deal with, so eating a bit (200 cal or less is my usual goal) every 2-2.5 hrs and then having a regular dinner with my family works great for me. I also work from home though, and when I am out will bring a small…