sounds like you had a awesome weekend! i had a all you can eat weekend lol My husbands Italian so we went to a festival and i totally didn't even bother to track my calories lol but did extra walking today , it should have came out to maybe a hour and a half or 2 hours i finished in one hour! so proud of me :)
ive lost 2 more lbs!! :)
thank you :)
Doing great!!! did my walk now gonna dance and clean :)
i walk for a hour with my two babies 5 days a week and boot camp Saturdays.. im a stay at home mom with a 2 & 3 year old so im pretty busy and i walk to get my daughter from school.. im gonna try an hour jog every other night too!
i haven't decided but i was thinking a Dallas cheerleader!
im so excited a new to this whole my fitness pal web site :) im so happy to see im not alone! lets get this started! my name is Memory btw :)
im in, i need to be challenged!